Determining Registration Age

The following guide applies for the official season of:
August 1, 2001 through July, 31, 2002.

Division Age Eligible Birth Dates
U-19 16-17-18 8-1-82 thru 7-31-85
U-16 14-15 8-1-85 thru 7-31-87
U-14 12-13 8-1-87 thru 7-31-89
U-12 10-11 8-1-89 thru 7-31-91
U-10 8-9 8-1-91 thru 7-31-93
U-8 6-7 8-1-93 thru 7-31-95
U-6 4-1/2 - 5 8-1-95 thru 1-31-97

This guide is based on age groupings in Rules & Regulations Section III (c).
Any player whose birthday falls on or between these dates should be placed in the designated Division.
Note: Excerpts from the AYSO Rules and Regulations pertaining to this guide can be found in Section III (c) and Section V.